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錬金術の前駆体(Alchemic Precursor)は、シード値に基づいたさまざまな材料を混合することによって作成出来る青い液体です。 肉片を追加する事で錬金術ミダスの設計図の作成に使用されます。

Alchemic Precursor is a blue liquid created by mixing 3 different, randomly chosen materials.


The precise components to create this substance vary for each run based on the world seed, but typically include two Liquids and one Powder.

Drinking it gives you both Effect food poisoning.png 食中毒 and Effect poisoned.png ポイズン for 10 seconds. It can be transformed into ミダスの設計図 by adding any variant of meat. It has no other purpose, though it is highly flammable, similar to Whiskey.


Inherits additional reactions with the [water] tag that are not listed here.

反応 速度 反応物 生成物
100 錬金術の先駆者 + [meat] ミダスの設計図 + ミダスの設計図
100 錬金術の先駆者 + ミダスの設計図 ミダスの設計図 + ミダスの設計図
8 溶岩 + 錬金術の先駆者 溶岩 +



Random alchemic precursor spawn in map seed 1911131374
Random alchemic precursor spawn in in map seed 1911131374 which turns into ミダスの設計図 and thus nearby material into ゴールド.
