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Disambig.png このページは the material についての記事です。the spell that spawns rainbow liquidについては、Rainbow Trail をご参照ください。  adding a rainbow effect to spellsについては、Glimmer をご参照ください。

Rainbow and Unicorn Farts are rare time-limited rainbow-coloured liquid and gas materials respectively.


Drinking Rainbow liquid or hitting an enemy with a Rainbow Trail spell applies the Effect farts.png 虹色のオナラ status effect. With Effect farts.png 虹色のオナラ you emit small amounts of Unicorn Farts which will disappear over time. The colour of the unicorn farts being emitted is determined by the horizontal position of the farter.



Unicorn Farts is an inert gas and doesn't react with anything. Rainbow liquid has additional reactions with the [water] tag that are not listed here.

反応 速度 反応物 生成物
80 浄化粉末 + 虹 浄化粉末 +


Casting Rainbow Trail which creates Rainbow liquid.
The player under the influence of Effect farts.png 虹色のオナラ, farting Unicorn Farts.