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嘔吐 is a 液体, produced when drinking or eating something in the environment that wasn't digestible. You will expel the substance after receiving the Effect food poisoning.png 食中毒 or Effect drunk.png 酩酊 debuff, and will regularly throw up vomit onto the ground, losing 10% 満腹度 every time. Certain status effects (both positive and negative) such as Effect poisoned.png ポイズン will be removed when vomiting. You will produce vomit even if there is no remaining satiation.

As vomit does not stain you, it will remove any active stains if you completely submerge yourself in it.

Spontaneous Generation allows you to turn your vomit into rat minions.


This material is inert and doesn't react with anything.


May or may not have been food at some point...
Vomiting after eating some 溜池.