Shock Powder

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Shock Powder (called "Fungal Soil" in-game[1]) is a powdery material created by mixing 真ちゅう + 液火, that burns and electrifies its surroundings, before quickly evaporating in contact with 空気.


The reaction with 空気 produces invisible electric charge-carrying entities as the powder is consumed. These entities last for only 7 frames and will briefly electrify any nearby metallic objects or anyone else that comes into proximity with it.

反応 速度 反応物 生成物
50 真ちゅう + [fire_strong] Shock Powder + [fire_strong]
100 Shock Powder + 空気 空気 + 空気
100 虚無の液体 + Shock Powder 虚無の液体 + 虚無の液体


shock powder is not exposed to air
shock powder is exposed to air


  1. It is confusingly called "Fungal Soil" in-game, even though there is no relation to Fungal Soil. The material doesn't last long enough for you to see it.