
提供:Noita Wiki
ナビゲーションに移動 検索に移動

This is a template for creating metadata for Spell tags (see {{SpellTag}} ). This information is stored in cargo, and can be accessed using the {{SpellQueryGroup}} and {{SpellQueryIcon}} templates.

By default a SpellQueryGroup template is included by the definition, this can be disabled by setting the echo flag to 0 (in which case nothing is rendered). There is a list of all pages that include this template.

Groups of spells defined by tags can be automatically included by {{Infobox_spell}} as SpellQueryGroup navigation boxes for tags associated with that spell. To enable this for a tag, set the auto flag to 1 when defining the tag.

See also:

  • {{SpellTag}} for rendering inline links to spell tags (e.g. Lua エラー: エラー: テーブルSpellTagsが見つかりません。)


Example 1:
Basic use
{{SpellTagDefinition|tag=piercing|name=Spells that Pierce|desc=Spells that can hit multiple targets multiple times.|auto=1}}
Lua エラー: エラー: テーブルSpellTagsが見つかりません。


| tag         = 
| name        = 
| desc        = 
| link        =
| auto        = 
Parameter Default Description
tag Required The identifier for the tag, recommended to be all lowercase letters, no numbers or special characters. This is used as the ID for the tag.
name Required Mandatory. Brief, friendly name for this tag. Used as the title by the SpellQueryGroup template. If not set, SpellQueryGroup will show the default 'Spells with tag {tag}' text.
desc Empty Additional notes regarding the spell group. This can include wikitext. This is displayed truncated in the SpellQueryGroup template, and can be tapped/hovered to reveal the full text. Optional, but why wouldn't you?
link {{FULLPAGENAME}} Name of a wiki page to include a link to. If not set, the link defaults to the page where the template is included.
auto 0 If set to 1, any Spell Infobox which has this tag will automatically include a SpellQueryGroup template for the tag group. Defaults to 0. Currently unimplemented.

Note: This is an integer field - in future this could be used for a priority ranking, so spells with many tags can limit the number of automatically rendered navigation boxes and only display those with the highest priorities.

echo 1 If set to 0, the behaviour of automatically including a SpellQueryGroup where this template is defined is suppressed. Defaults to 1.