Documentation: AnimalAIComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
ai_state int 0 [0, 20] Current state of ai, defines what the animal is doing
ai_state_timer int 0 [0, 1000] If not 0, then we wait till this frame to pop current state from our state stack
preferred_job std::string We always do this job, unless interrupted (i.e. by taking fire damage)
escape_if_damaged_probability int 30 [0, 1] the chance of escaping if someone damages us. only works if 'can_fly = 0 '
attack_if_damaged_probability int 100 [0, 1] the chance of counter-attacking if someone damages us, and we didn't escape
eye_offset_x int 0 [-100, 100] We cast rays from our position + eye_offset to check if we can see something
eye_offset_y int 0 [-100, 100] We cast rays from our position + eye_offset to check if we can see something
attack_only_if_attacked bool false If 1, we never attack anyone unless attacked before by someone
dont_counter_attack_own_herd bool false If 1, we don't attack members of our herd even if they accidentally attack us
creature_detection_range_x float 50 [0, 2000] When looking for threats/prey this is the max distance from us on the X axis we scan
creature_detection_range_y float 20 [0, 2000] When looking for threats/prey this is the max distance from us on the Y axis we scan
creature_detection_angular_range_deg float 90 [0, 90] When looking for threats/prey this is our field of view around the X axis. 90 means we scan the whole 180 degrees around the X axis, to the left and right
creature_detection_check_every_x_frames int 120 [0, 5000] Checks for threats/prey take place at least this many frames apart from each other
max_distance_to_cam_to_start_hunting float 300 [0, 2000] JobDefault idles before we've been once at least this close to the camera
pathfinding_max_depth_no_target int 50 [0, 5000] The maximum depth (in nodes) path search use when we have not found prey yet
pathfinding_max_depth_has_target int 120 [0, 5000] The maximum depth (in nodes) path search use when we have found prey
aggressiveness_min float 80 [0, 100] what's the initial random aggressiveness of this creature
aggressiveness_max float 100 [0, 100] what's the initial random aggressiveness of this creature
tries_to_ranged_attack_friends bool false if 1, the AI tries to attack whoever it considers a friend based on herd_ids, CHARMED and BERSERK status etc. useful e.g. for healers.
attack_melee_enabled bool true If 1, and melee attack has been configured, we can perform melee attacks
attack_dash_enabled bool false If 1, and dash attack has been configured, we can perform dash attacks (a long-distance melee attack where we dash towards the enemy)
attack_landing_ranged_enabled bool false If 1, and ranged attack has been configured, we can perform ranged attacks
attack_ranged_enabled bool false If 1, and ranged attack has been configured, we can perform ranged attacks
attack_knockback_multiplier float 100 [-100, 100] If not 0, melee and dash attacks cause knockback to target
is_static_turret bool false If 1, we can only attack in one fixed direction
attack_melee_max_distance int 20 [0, 400] Maximum distance at which we can perform a melee attack
attack_melee_action_frame int 2 [0, 1000] The animation frame during which the melee attack damage is inflicted and visual effects are created
attack_melee_frames_between int 10 [0, 1000] The minimum number of frames we wait between melee attacks
attack_melee_damage_min float 0.4 [0, 100] Melee attack damage inclusive minimum amount. The damage is randomized between melee attack_damage_min and attack_melee_damage_max
attack_melee_damage_max float 0.6 [0, 100] Melee attack damage inclusive maximum amount. The damage is randomized between melee attack_damage_min and attack_melee_damage_max
attack_melee_impulse_vector_x float 0 [-100, 100] The x component of the impulse that is applied to damaged entities
attack_melee_impulse_vector_y float 0 [-100, 100] The y component of the impulse that is applied to damaged entities
attack_melee_impulse_multiplier float 0 [-100, 100] A multiplier applied to attack_melee_impulse
attack_melee_offset_x float 0 [-1000, 1000] Melee attack particle effects are created here
attack_melee_offset_y float 0 [-1000, 1000] Melee attack particle effects are created here
attack_melee_finish_enabled bool false If 1, we perform a finishing move when our attack would kill the target using the 'attack_finish' animation
attack_melee_finish_action_frame int 2 [0, 1000] The animation frame during which the melee attack finishing move damage is inflicted and visual effects are created
attack_dash_distance float 50 [0, 10000] The maximum distance from enemy at which we can perform a dash attack. If a normal melee attack is possible we always do that instead
attack_dash_frames_between int 120 [0, 1200] The minimum number of frames we wait between dash attacks
attack_dash_damage float 0.25 [0, 20] The amount of damage inflicted by the dash attack
attack_dash_speed float 200 [0, 5000] The speed at which we dash
attack_dash_lob float 0.9 [0, 6] The smaller this value is the more curved our dash attack trajectory is
attack_ranged_min_distance float 10 [0, 10000] The minimum distance from enemy at which we can perform a ranged attack.
attack_ranged_max_distance float 160 [0, 10000] The maximum distance from enemy at which we can perform a ranged attack.
attack_ranged_action_frame int 2 [0, 1000] The frame of the 'attack_ranged' animation during which the ranged attack actually occurs
attack_ranged_offset_x float 0 [-1000, 1000] 'attack_ranged_entity_file' is created here when performing a ranged attack
attack_ranged_offset_y float 0 [-1000, 1000] 'attack_ranged_entity_file' is created here when performing a ranged attack
attack_ranged_use_message bool false If 1, we do ranged attacks by sending a Message_UseItem
attack_ranged_predict bool false If 1, we attempt to predict target movement and shoot accordingly
attack_ranged_entity_file std::string data/entities/projectiles/spear.xml File to projectile entity that is created when performing a ranged attack
attack_ranged_entity_count_min int 1 [0, 1000] Minimum number of projectiles shot when performing a ranged attack
attack_ranged_entity_count_max int 1 [0, 1000] Maximum number of projectiles shot when performing a ranged attack
attack_ranged_use_laser_sight bool false If 1, we draw a laser sight to our target. Requires entity to have a sprite with tag 'laser_sight'
attack_ranged_laser_sight_beam_kind bool false 0 = red, 1 = blue
attack_ranged_aim_rotation_enabled bool false
attack_ranged_aim_rotation_speed float 3 [0, 1]
attack_ranged_aim_rotation_shooting_ok_angle_deg float 10 [0, 1]
attack_ranged_state_duration_frames int 45 [0, 1000] How long do we stay in the attack state, before other states are allowed?
hide_from_prey bool false If 1, we attempt to hide from our target after a succesful attack
hide_from_prey_target_distance float 200 [0, 10000] The minimum distance from our target where we should move when hiding
hide_from_prey_time int 300 [0, 1] The number of frames we spend hiding and staying hiding
food_eating_create_particles bool true If 1, we replace eaten cells with particles made of this material
eating_area_radius_x int 3 [-100, 100] 1/2 width of the area from which we eat food
eating_area_radius_y int 8 [-100, 100] 1/2 height of the area from which we eat food
mouth_offset_x int 0 [-100, 100] The center of the area from which we eat food
mouth_offset_y int 0 [-100, 100] The center of the area from which we eat food
defecates_and_pees bool false If 1, we occasionally take a leak or a dump
butt_offset_x int 0 [-100, 100] Bodily wastes are created here
butt_offset_y int 0 [-100, 100] Bodily wastes are created here
pee_velocity_x float 0 [-1000, 1000] The velocity at which our piss gets shot
pee_velocity_y float 0 [-1000, 1000] The velocity at which our piss gets shot
needs_food bool true If 1, we stop to eat if we encounter 'food_material' cells
sense_creatures bool true If 1, we occasionally search our surroundings for prey and threats
sense_creatures_through_walls bool false If 1, will see creatures even if the wall raycast fails
can_fly bool true If 1, we can fly. Please set 'PathFindingComponent.can_fly' to 1 as well if this is 1
can_walk bool true If 1, we can walk. Please set 'PathFindingComponent.can_walk' to 1 as well if this is 1
path_distance_to_target_node_to_turn_around int 0 [0, 1000] If we're further than this from target path finding node on the X-axis we turn to face it
path_cleanup_explosion_radius float 6 [0, 1000] If we get stuck on ground we create an explosion this big to clear our surroundings a bit
max_distance_to_move_from_home float 0 [0, 1]
attack_melee_finish_config_explosion ConfigExplosion If we have explosion, it's the setup for it
Custom data types
attack_ranged_frames_between LensValue<int> 180 The minimum number of frames we wait between ranged attacks
food_material int 0 [0, 1] The cell material we eat if encountering said material and 'needs_food' is 1
food_particle_effect_material int 0 [0, 1] We create particles made of this material when eating if 'food_eating_create_particles' is 1
mAggression LensValue<float> 100 the greater this value the more likely we're to attack creatures from other herds
mAiStateStack AI_STATE_STACK a stack of actions and times they take, we can push new actions to the front and pop them from there
mAiStateLastSwitchFrame int 0 [0, 1] when was the last time we switched a state
mAiStatePrev int 0 [0, 1] previous AI state
mCreatureDetectionNextCheck int 0 [0, 1] threat/prey check, next time we check for threat/prey
mGreatestThreat EntityID the entity we consider to be our greatest threat
mGreatestPrey EntityID the entity we consider to be our most important prey
mSelectedMultiAttack int -1 [0, 1] which AIAttackComponent attack are we using?
mHasFoundPrey bool false 1, if we have ever found prey
mHasBeenAttackedByPlayer bool false 1, if we have been ever attacked
mHasStartedAttacking bool false 1, if we have ever started attacking anyone
mNearbyFoodCount int 0 [0, 1] amount of 'food_material' near us
mEatNextFrame int 0 [0, 1] next frame we can eat
mEatTime int 0 [0, 1] time we've been constantly eating
mFrameNextGiveUp int 0 [0, 1] next frame we consider ourselves to be stuck
mLastFramesMovementAreaMin vec2 (0, 0) AABB min of the area where we've been since the last time we got stuck
mLastFramesMovementAreaMax vec2 (0, 0) AABB max of the area where we've been since the last time we got stuck
mFoodMaterialId int -1 [0, 1] cached id of 'food_material'
mFoodParticleEffectMaterialId int -1 [0, 1] cached id of 'food_particle_effect_material'
mNextJumpLob float 1 [0, 1] we use this for next jump
mNextJumpTarget vec2 (0, 0) we use this for next jump
mNextJumpHasVelocity bool false we use this for next jump
mLastFrameJumped int -1 [0, 1] previous frame we launched into a jump
mFramesWithoutTarget int 0 [0, 1]
mLastFrameCanDamageOwnHerd int -1 [0, 1]
mHomePosition vec2 (0, 0) where our home is located
mLastFrameAttackWasDone int 0 [0, 1] when was the last time we did an attack (not necessarily did damage to anyone though)
mNextFrameCanCallFriend int 0 [0, 1]
mNextFrameRespondFriend int -1 [0, 1]
mHasNoticedPlayer bool false if 1, we have noticed player or player projectile
mRangedAttackCurrentAimAngle float 0 [0, 1] which direction does our gun currently point at, physically saying?
mRangedAttackNextFrame int 0 [0, 1] next frame we can perform a ranged attack
mMeleeAttackNextFrame int 0 [0, 1] next frame we can perform a melee attack
mNextMeleeAttackDamage float 0 [0, 1] the amount of damage our next melee attack will cause. used by finishing move logic
mMeleeAttacking bool false 1, if we're doing a melee attack
mMeleeAttackDashNextFrame int 0 [0, 1] the next frame we can perform a melee attack
mCurrentJob RtsUnitGoal info about our current job. sorta legacy and could be simplified because the RTS logic is not used anywhere but doesn't have much overhead either.