Documentation: AIAttackComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
use_probability int 100 [0, 100] The probability for using this attack if it's otherwise possible
min_distance float 10 [0, 10000] The minimum distance from enemy at which we can perform this attack.
max_distance float 160 [0, 10000] The maximum distance from enemy at which we can perform this attack.
angular_range_deg float 90 [0, 90] When looking for threats/prey this is our field of view around the X axis. 90 means we scan the whole 180 degrees around the X axis, to the left and right.
state_duration_frames int 45 [0, 1000] How long do we stay in the attack state, before other states are allowed?
frames_between int 180 [0, 1000] The minimum number of frames we wait between these attacks
frames_between_global int 30 [0, 1000] The minimum number of frames we wait after this attack before doing any other ranged attack
animation_name std::string attack_ranged The animation to play when performing this attack
attack_landing_ranged_enabled bool false If 1, we try to land before doing the attack, if there's ground near nearby under us
attack_ranged_action_frame int 2 [0, 1000] The frame of the 'attack_ranged' animation during which the ranged attack actually occurs
attack_ranged_offset_x float 0 [-1000, 1000] 'attack_ranged_entity_file' is created here when performing a ranged attack
attack_ranged_offset_y float 0 [-1000, 1000] 'attack_ranged_entity_file' is created here when performing a ranged attack
attack_ranged_root_offset_x float 0 [-1000, 1000]
attack_ranged_root_offset_y float 0 [-1000, 1000]
attack_ranged_use_message bool false If 1, we do ranged attacks by sending a Message_UseItem
attack_ranged_predict bool false If 1, we attempt to predict target movement and shoot accordingly
attack_ranged_entity_file std::string data/entities/projectiles/spear.xml File to projectile entity that is created when performing a ranged attack
attack_ranged_entity_count_min int 1 [0, 1000] Minimum number of projectiles shot when performing a ranged attack
attack_ranged_entity_count_max int 1 [0, 1000] Maximum number of projectiles shot when performing a ranged attack
attack_ranged_use_laser_sight bool false If 1, we draw a laser sight to our target. Requires entity to have a sprite with tag 'laser_sight'
attack_ranged_aim_rotation_enabled bool false If 1, we use a laser sight
attack_ranged_aim_rotation_speed float 3 [0, 1] How fast can we rotate our aim to track targets
attack_ranged_aim_rotation_shooting_ok_angle_deg float 10 [0, 1] If our aim is closer than this to the target we shoot
mRangedAttackCurrentAimAngle float 0 [0, 1] which direction does our gun currently point at, physically saying?
mNextFrameUsable int 0 [0, 1]