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-- 字段说明
-- herd:材料id
-- name:中文名 页面渲染所使用的名称 需要查询csv进行初始化
-- nameEn:英文名
-- nameOcn:官中名
-- image:简单的材料单图,貌似现在没什么用
-- durability:破坏等级
-- tags:材料标签
-- custpotion:自定义药水图,会造成不会自动判断是否存在并直接使用,此优先级比自定义袋子高,请优先定义这个
-- custpouch:自定义的袋子图,同上
-- burnable:可否点燃
-- hardness:材料血量
-- firehp:材料的燃烧血量(相当于燃烧时间)
-- lifetime:材料的存在时间
-- type:材料的nolla分类的类型
-- stainEffect:沾染状态(沾湿)
-- ingestEffect:摄取效果
-- biomes:生成的群系 废弃
-- OutBiomes:程序自动检索的生成的群系
-- breakInto:破坏为,即材料被破坏后变成的材料,比如怪异的肉被破坏后变成(id:blood)血液
-- hitInto:击中为,即击中后生成的材料(大概)
-- breaktobox2d:破坏变为的box2d,主要用于比如积雪深渊中冰被投射物击中的转换,本质上就是这个导致的
-- melts:熔化为(蒸发为),在炎热群系(如沙漠)的材料转化
-- freezes:冻结为,在寒冷群系(如积雪深渊)的材料转化
-- parent:继承自某材料
-- inheritsReactions:是否继承反应
-- link:材料页面链接
-- notes:材料备注,在材料页面中表格下方展示
-- onfire:是否始终燃烧
-- stickyness: 材料粘性,大概就是材料自然向下堆积的效率,比如蜂蜜堆成堆后很难像沙子堆那样快速散开的原因就是这个参数控制的
-- liquidGravity:材料重力
-- conductive:导电性
-- liquidSand:是否为沙子材料
-- liquidStatic:是否为静态材料(静止的,不会掉落的)

local all_materials = {
        tags = "",
        type = "fire",
        durability = "",
        wangColor = "ff000042",
        hitInto = "",
        nameEn = "air",
        liquidSand = "0",
        breaktobox2d = "",
        herd = "air",
        OutBiomes = "全世界",
        melts = "",
        liquidGravity = "",
        stickyness = "",
        image = "air.png",
        onfire = "0",
        lifetime = "",
        nameOcn = "空气",
        firehp = "",
        notes = "真的只有这么多数据",
        link = "空气",
        inheritsReactions = "",
        parent = "",
        nameFi = "",
        conductive = "0",
        liquidStatic = "0",
        breakInto = "",
        density = "",
        burnable = "0",
        freezes = "",
        biomes = "全世界",
        ingestEffect = "",
        hardness = "",
        stainEffect = "",
        nameKey = "mat_air",
        tags = "fire,hot",
        type = "fire",
        durability = "",
        cellType = "fire",
        wangColor = "7fFF6060",
        hitInto = "",
        nameEn = "fire",
        liquidSand = "0",
        breaktobox2d = "",
        herd = "fire",
        OutBiomes = "积雪深渊,矿场",
        melts = "",
        liquidGravity = "0.5",
        stickyness = "",
        image = "fire.png",
        onfire = "1",
        lifetime = "",
        nameOcn = "火焰",
        firehp = "",
        notes = "",
        link = "火焰",
        inheritsReactions = "",
        parent = "",
        nameFi = "",
        conductive = "0",
        liquidStatic = "0",
        breakInto = "",
        density = "1",
        burnable = "0",
        freezes = "",
        biomes = "",
        ingestEffect = "",
        hardness = "",
        stainEffect = "",
        nameKey = "mat_fire",
        tags = "fire,hot",
        type = "fire",
        durability = "",
        cellType = "fire",
        wangColor = "7fFF6061",
        hitInto = "",
        nameEn = "fire",
        liquidSand = "0",
        breaktobox2d = "",
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        melts = "",
        liquidGravity = "0.5",
        stickyness = "",
        image = "fire_blue.png",
        onfire = "1",
        lifetime = "",
        nameOcn = "火焰",
        firehp = "",
        notes = "",
        link = "火焰",
        inheritsReactions = "1",
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        density = "1",
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        freezes = "",
        biomes = "",
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        hardness = "",
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        tags = "fire,hot",
        type = "fire",
        durability = "",
        cellType = "fire",
        wangColor = "7fce0f0f",
        hitInto = "",
        nameEn = "fire",
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        breaktobox2d = "",
        herd = "flame",
        melts = "",
        liquidGravity = "5.0",
        stickyness = "",
        image = "flame.png",
        onfire = "1",
        lifetime = "5",
        nameOcn = "火焰",
        firehp = "",
        notes = "存在时间极短的深红色火焰",
        link = "火焰",
        inheritsReactions = "",
        parent = "",
        nameFi = "",
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        liquidStatic = "0",
        breakInto = "",
        density = "1",
        burnable = "0",
        freezes = "",
        biomes = "",
        ingestEffect = "",
        hardness = "",
        stainEffect = "",
        nameKey = "mat_flame",
        tags = "fire,hot",
        type = "fire",
        durability = "",
        cellType = "fire",
        wangColor = "7fff6024",
        hitInto = "",
        nameEn = "spark",
        liquidSand = "0",
        breaktobox2d = "",
        herd = "spark",
        melts = "",
        liquidGravity = "0.5",
        stickyness = "",
        image = "spark.png",
        onfire = "0",
        lifetime = "",
        nameOcn = "火花",
        firehp = "",
        notes = "",
        link = "火花",
        inheritsReactions = "",
        parent = "",
        nameFi = "",
        conductive = "0",
        liquidStatic = "0",
        breakInto = "",
        density = "1",
        burnable = "0",
        freezes = "",
        biomes = "",
        ingestEffect = "",
        hardness = "",
        stainEffect = "",
        nameKey = "mat_spark",
        tags = "fire,hot",
        type = "fire",
        durability = "",
        cellType = "fire",
        wangColor = "7f96FF46",
        hitInto = "",
        nameEn = "spark",
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        breaktobox2d = "",
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        melts = "",
        liquidGravity = "0.5",
        stickyness = "",
        image = "spark_green.png",
        onfire = "0",
        lifetime = "",
        nameOcn = "火花",
        firehp = "",
        notes = "",
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        freezes = "",
        biomes = "",
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        hardness = "",
        stainEffect = "",
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        type = "fire",
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        cellType = "fire",
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        melts = "",
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        stickyness = "",
        image = "spark_green_bright.png",
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        lifetime = "",
        nameOcn = "火花",
        firehp = "",
        notes = "",
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        density = "1",
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        freezes = "",
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        type = "fire",
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        cellType = "fire",
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        breaktobox2d = "",
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        stickyness = "",
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        lifetime = "",
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        notes = "",
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        melts = "",
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        stickyness = "",
        image = "spark_blue_dark.png",
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        lifetime = "",
        nameOcn = "火花",
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        notes = "",
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        breaktobox2d = "",
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        melts = "",
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        stickyness = "",
        image = "spark_red.png",
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        lifetime = "",
        nameOcn = "火花",
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        notes = "",
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        type = "fire",
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        breaktobox2d = "",
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        melts = "",
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        lifetime = "",
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        notes = "",
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        breakInto = "",
        density = "1",
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        freezes = "",
        biomes = "",
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        hardness = "",
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        type = "fire",
        durability = "",
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        wangColor = "ffFEFEFF",
        hitInto = "",
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        breaktobox2d = "",
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        melts = "",
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        stickyness = "",
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        lifetime = "",
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        notes = "",
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        biomes = "",
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        hardness = "",
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        tags = "fire,hot",
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        durability = "",
        cellType = "fire",
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        nameEn = "spark",
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        melts = "",
        liquidGravity = "0.5",
        stickyness = "",
        image = "spark_white_bright.png",
        onfire = "0",
        lifetime = "",
        nameOcn = "火花",
        firehp = "",
        notes = "",
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        durability = "",
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        stickyness = "",
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        notes = "",
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        stickyness = "",
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        notes = "",
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        freezes = "",
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        notes = "",
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        stickyness = "",
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        notes = "",
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        durability = "",
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        wangColor = "44A41C1F",
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        breaktobox2d = "",
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        melts = "",
        liquidGravity = "0.5",
        stickyness = "",
        image = "spark_teal.png",
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        lifetime = "",
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        notes = "",
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        density = "1",
        burnable = "0",
        freezes = "",
        biomes = "",
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        hardness = "",
        stainEffect = "",
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        tags = "fire,hot",
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        durability = "",
        cellType = "fire",
        wangColor = "7f27b4f6",
        hitInto = "",
        nameEn = "electric spark",
        liquidSand = "0",
        breaktobox2d = "",
        herd = "spark_electric",
        melts = "",
        liquidGravity = "0.5",
        stickyness = "",
        image = "spark_electric.png",
        onfire = "0",
        lifetime = "",
        nameOcn = "电火花",
        firehp = "",
        notes = "",
        link = "电火花",
        inheritsReactions = "",
        parent = "",
        nameFi = "",
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        density = "1",
        burnable = "0",
        freezes = "",
        biomes = "",
        ingestEffect = "",
        hardness = "",
        stainEffect = "",
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        tags = "static,corrodible,alchemy,solid,earth",
        type = "static",
        durability = "10",
        cellType = "liquid",
        wangColor = "ff524f2d",
        hitInto = "",
        nameEn = "ground",
        liquidSand = "1",
        breaktobox2d = "",
        herd = "sand_static",
        OutBiomes = "坍塌矿场,真菌洞穴,魔球房间,矿场,金字塔,艺之神殿,塔,废弃炼金实验室,沙漠,古代实验室,湖泊,王座室,伟大之作,遗忘洞穴",
        melts = "",
        liquidGravity = "1.2",
        stickyness = "",
        image = "sand_static.png",
        onfire = "0",
        lifetime = "",
        nameOcn = "地面",
        firehp = "",
        notes = "",
        link = "地面",
        inheritsReactions = "",
        parent = "",
        nameFi = "",
        conductive = "0",
        liquidStatic = "1",
        breakInto = "",
        density = "10",
        burnable = "0",
        freezes = "",
        biomes = "",
        ingestEffect = "",
        hardness = "19000",
        stainEffect = "",
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        tags = "static,corrodible,alchemy,solid,earth",
        type = "static",
        durability = "10",
        cellType = "liquid",
        wangColor = "ff524F00",
        hitInto = "",
        nameEn = "lush ground",
        liquidSand = "1",
        breaktobox2d = "",
        herd = "sand_static_rainforest",
        OutBiomes = "塔,地下丛林",
        melts = "",
        liquidGravity = "1.2",
        stickyness = "",
        image = "sand_static_rainforest.png",
        onfire = "0",
        lifetime = "",
        nameOcn = "葱郁地面",
        firehp = "",
        notes = "",
        link = "葱郁地面",
        inheritsReactions = "1",
        parent = "sand_static",
        nameFi = "",
        conductive = "0",
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        breakInto = "",
        density = "10",
        burnable = "0",
        freezes = "",
        biomes = "",
        ingestEffect = "",
        hardness = "70000",
        stainEffect = "",
        nameKey = "mat_sand_static_rainforest",
        tags = "static,corrodible,alchemy,solid,earth",
        type = "static",
        durability = "10",
        cellType = "liquid",
        wangColor = "ff261f26",
        hitInto = "",
        nameEn = "lush ground",
        liquidSand = "1",
        breaktobox2d = "",
        herd = "sand_static_rainforest_dark",
        OutBiomes = "路奇巢穴",
        melts = "",
        liquidGravity = "1.2",
        stickyness = "",
        image = "sand_static_rainforest_dark.png",
        onfire = "0",
        lifetime = "",
        nameOcn = "葱郁地面",
        firehp = "",
        notes = "",
        link = "葱郁地面",
        inheritsReactions = "0",
        parent = "sand_static",
        nameFi = "",
        conductive = "0",
        liquidStatic = "1",
        breakInto = "",
        density = "10",
        burnable = "0",
        freezes = "",
        biomes = "",
        ingestEffect = "",
        hardness = "700000",
        stainEffect = "",
        nameKey = "mat_sand_static_rainforest",
        tags = "static,corrodible,alchemy,solid,earth",
        type = "static",
        durability = "10",
        cellType = "liquid",
        wangColor = "ff523F03",
        hitInto = "",
        nameEn = "bone wall",
        liquidSand = "1",
        breaktobox2d = "",
        herd = "bone_static",
        melts = "",
        liquidGravity = "1.2",
        stickyness = "",
        image = "bone_static.png",
        onfire = "0",
        lifetime = "",
        nameOcn = "骨墙",
        firehp = "",
        notes = "",
        link = "骨灰",
        inheritsReactions = "1",
        parent = "sand_static",
        nameFi = "",
        conductive = "0",
        liquidStatic = "1",
        breakInto = "",
        density = "10",
        burnable = "0",
        freezes = "",
        biomes = "",
        ingestEffect = "",
        hardness = "20000",
        stainEffect = "",
        nameKey = "mat_bone_static",
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        lifetime = "",
        nameOcn = "愚人的黄金",
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        notes = "",
        link = "愚人的黄金",
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        OutBiomes = "巫师巢穴",
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        lifetime = "",
        nameOcn = "奇特的砖块",
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        lifetime = "",
        nameOcn = "火山岩",
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        notes = "因为一些未知的原因,击中为不会生效",
        link = "火山岩",
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        notes = "",
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        notes = "",
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        notes = "也许是nolla打错了,这个应该叫苔钢才对",
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        nameOcn = "锈蚀的钢",
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        notes = "",
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        stickyness = "",
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        lifetime = "",
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        notes = "",
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        breaktobox2d = "",
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        stickyness = "",
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        lifetime = "",
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        notes = "",
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        notes = "",
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        wangColor = "ff64c455",
        hitInto = "",
        nameEn = "metal pipe",
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        breaktobox2d = "",
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        OutBiomes = "冻结避难所,避难所",
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        stickyness = "",
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        notes = "",
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        OutBiomes = "席西基地,避难所",
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        lifetime = "",
        nameOcn = "高密度钢",
        firehp = "",
        notes = "不是灰色的,好奇怪(",
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        melts = "",
        liquidGravity = "1.2",
        stickyness = "",
        image = "steel_static_unmeltable.png",
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        lifetime = "",
        nameOcn = "硬化钢",
        firehp = "",
        notes = "",
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        type = "static",
        durability = "",
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        notes = "野外那种背景蘑菇被比如链锯打碎后变成的box2d",
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        parent = "",
        nameFi = "",
        conductive = "0",
        liquidStatic = "0",
        breakInto = "",
        density = "2",
        burnable = "0",
        freezes = "",
        biomes = "",
        ingestEffect = "",
        hardness = "",
        stainEffect = "{{Infobox_material/Status|status_polymorph|Effect_polymorph.png}}",
        nameKey = "mat_magic_gas_polymorph",

--- initialization 将 name 替换为伟大汉化提供的翻译
local csv = require("Module:Lang_zh_cn")
for _, material in ipairs(all_materials) do
    local name = csv.get(material.nameKey)
    if name ~= "[undefined]" then
        material.name = csv.get(material.nameKey)
        material.name = material.nameKey

local function createLowerTable(t)
local cc = {}
for _, v in pairs(t) do
   cc[v['name']:lower()] = v
   cc[v['nameEn']:lower()] = v
   cc[v['nameOcn']:lower()] = v
   cc[v['nameFi']:lower()] = v
return cc

local function createGroupBy(t, c)
local cc = {}
for _, v in pairs(t) do
   local g_lower = v[c]:lower()
   local arr = cc[g_lower]
   if arr == nil then
       arr = {}
       cc[g_lower] = arr
   arr[#arr + 1] = v
return cc

return {
   Materials = all_materials,
   Materials_Name = createLowerTable(all_materials),
   Materials_Type = createGroupBy(all_materials, "type"),
   Materials_Herd = createGroupBy(all_materials, "herd"),
   Materials_Link = createGroupBy(all_materials, "link"),