Talk:Nullifying Altar

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Activating the Nullifying Altar while stomach is over-saturated by Iron Stomach perk

I can confirm that removing the Iron Stomach perk via the Nullifying Altar is at least not immediately dangerous. I was grossly overstuffed with transmogrified pea soup, having around 28,000% stomach capacity. When I activated the Altar, my perks were safely removed, and the contents of my stomach became a more reasonable 50% or so. I also had well over 8 hours worth of the gassy debuff that you get from eating pea soup (About 32,000 seconds). So the developers at least thought to do the player the favor of not immediately exploding from overeating when removing Iron Stomach by these means.


I can't find anywhere any info about where or if the nullifying altar exists in NG+ at all. I've only found an old comment on reddit saying that it should be somewhere around the lake, but it would be useful to verify that info and post the results here.

It does Not exist in NG+ - you can check those kinds of details with the maps in Biomes#Current_Maps. :) Quiddity-wp (talk) 04:39, 22 December 2021 (UTC)
It does exist in NG+, you can actually see it in Biomes#Current_Maps in the Snowy Chasm where the miniboss normally spawns, I also encountered it around that location, though I can't say it always appears in the area or if it's usable. 08:41, 12 June 2022 (UTC)
Oh! Thanks for the correction! Quiddity-wp (talk) 20:26, 14 June 2022 (UTC)