Documentation: VelocityComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
gravity_x float 0
gravity_y float 400
mass float 0.05 [0, 10]
air_friction float 0.55
terminal_velocity float 1000
apply_terminal_velocity bool true
updates_velocity bool true
displace_liquid bool true
affect_physics_bodies bool false if true, will move the physics body by the difference of mVelocity to the previous frame
limit_to_max_velocity bool true if true will limit the velocity to 61440. You can turn this off, but it's not recommended, since there are some nasty bugs that can happen with extremely high velocities.
liquid_death_threshold int 0 if > 0, entity will die if liquid hit count is greater than this.
liquid_drag float 1 1 = slows down in liquid, 0 = doesn't slow down at all
Custom data types
mVelocity vec2 (0, 0)
mPrevVelocity vec2 (0, 0) used to update physics bodies
mLatestLiquidHitCount int 0
mAverageLiquidHitCount int 0
mPrevPosition ivec2 (0, 0)