Documentation: SpriteParticleEmitterComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
sprite_file std::string filepath to the sprite(s), supports the $[0-3] syntax
sprite_centered bool false sets the offset to the center of the image
sprite_random_rotation bool false rotates the sprite randomly in 90 degree angles
render_back bool false if true, will set this particle to be behind entities (won't emit light)
delay float 0 delay in seconds...
lifetime float 0 lifetime in seconds...
additive bool false if 1, the sprites will be rendered using additive blending
emissive bool false if 1, the sprites will be rendered onto the emissive render target
velocity_slowdown float 0 what percent of the velocity is slowed by *dt
rotation float 0 original rotation in rads
angular_velocity float 0 how much rotation there is in a second
use_velocity_as_rotation bool false do we rotate the sprite based on the velocity
use_rotation_from_velocity_component bool false if set, will set the initial rotation based on the velocity component's velocity
use_rotation_from_entity bool false if set, will 'inherit' rotation from the entity
entity_velocity_multiplier float 0 0 = doesn't use the velocity from spawning entity at all, 1 = uses all
z_index float 0 Depth of created particles
randomize_position_inside_hitbox bool false if set, will randomize position inside the hitbox aabb
velocity_always_away_from_center bool false if set, will make the velocity's rotation always away from center of randomized aabb
camera_bound bool true if true, will be culled if not near the camera
camera_distance float 75 if the distance from camera (edges) is higher than this, this will be culled
is_emitting bool true disable this from emitting...
count_min int 0 how many particles do we spawn at one time
count_max int 1 how many particles do we spawn at one time
emission_interval_min_frames int 5 [0, 200] how often do we emit particles
emission_interval_max_frames int 10 [0, 200] how often do we emit particles
entity_file std::string if set, this entity is loaded to the emission position by the emitter when it emits
Custom data types
color types::fcolor RGBA: 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 original color
color_change types::fcolor RGBA: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 how much the color changes in a second
velocity vec2 (0, 0) original velocity
gravity vec2 (0, 0) gravity
scale vec2 (1, 1) original scale
scale_velocity vec2 (0, 0) scale velocity per second
randomize_lifetime ValueRange [0, 0] this is added to the lifetime
randomize_position types::aabb (0, 0) (0, 0) random offset for pos
randomize_velocity types::aabb (0, 0) (0, 0) add this randomized velocity inside this o the velocity
randomize_scale types::aabb (0, 0) (0, 0) add this randomized vector2 to scale
randomize_rotation ValueRange [0, 0] this is added to the rotation
randomize_angular_velocity ValueRange [0, 0] this is added to angular_velocity
randomize_alpha ValueRange [0, 0] this is added to the alpha
randomize_animation_speed_coeff ValueRange [0, 0] if set, animation speed is multiplied by a random value inside this range
expand_randomize_position vec2 (0, 0) will add dt*this to randomize_position_aabb every frame
mNextEmitFrame int 0