Documentation: ProjectileComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
lifetime int -1 lifetime, -1 means it's endless, otherwise it's the frame count
lifetime_randomness int 0 final lifetime will be lifetime + random(-lifetime_randomness,lifetime_randomness)
on_lifetime_out_explode bool false when lifetime runs out, should we explode?
collide_with_world bool true true by default. Some projectiles you don't want to collide with the world, e.g. blackholes
speed_min float 60 [0, 60000]
speed_max float 60 [0, 60000]
friction float 0 [0, 60000]
direction_random_rad float 0 [0, 3.14151] when fired, randomizes the velocity -this, this
direction_nonrandom_rad float 0 [-3.14, 3.14] when fired, multiplies this with projectile_i and adds it to direction
lob_min float 0.5 [0, 60000]
lob_max float 0.8 [0, 60000]
camera_shake_when_shot float 0 [0, 60000]
shoot_light_flash_radius float 0 [0, 60000]
shoot_light_flash_r unsigned int 255 [0, 255]
shoot_light_flash_g unsigned int 180 [0, 255]
shoot_light_flash_b unsigned int 150 [0, 255]
create_shell_casing bool false should we create shell casings?
shell_casing_material std::string brass material of the shell casing
muzzle_flash_file std::string this entity is created along with the projectile, oriented along the projectile's path
bounces_left int 0 [0, 1e+008]
bounce_energy float 0.5 when bouncing, velocity is multiplied by this
bounce_always bool false if true, will do a fake bounce if can't do the proper bounce, but will always try to bounce
bounce_at_any_angle bool false if true, will bounce at any reflection angle
attach_to_parent_trigger bool false if true, will attach to the projectile entity that created this projectile via a trigger
bounce_fx_file std::string this entity is created at the bounce position. it gets the bounce angle as rotation.
angular_velocity float 0 [-3.1415, 3.1415] this is only applied if velocity_sets_rotation == false
velocity_sets_rotation bool true whether we set the rotation based on velocity, as in spear or if we update the rotation with angular_velocity
velocity_sets_scale bool false if true, the sprite width is made equal to the distance traveled since last frame
velocity_sets_scale_coeff float 1 Larger value means velocity affects the scale more
velocity_sets_y_flip bool false if true, the sprite is flipped based on which side the projectile is currently traveling
velocity_updates_animation float 0 updates the animation based on far the sprite moved
ground_penetration_coeff float 0 [0, 5] if > 0, this, along with VelocityComponent.mass affects how far we penetrate in materials
ground_penetration_max_durability_to_destroy int 0 if 0, will not penetrate into materials with durability greater than this
go_through_this_material std::string if set, we never collide with this material
do_moveto_update bool true this should probably be true, to get normal projectile behaviour, but you might want to disable this for some physics-based projectiles, like bombs
on_death_duplicate_remaining int 0 if greater than 0, the projectile creates two clones of itself on death. 'on_death_duplicate_remaining' on the clones is reduced by one
on_death_gfx_leave_sprite bool true if true, finds all the sprites and leaves as Plant Material cells into the grid
on_death_explode bool false if true, does explosion with config_explosion
on_death_emit_particle bool false if true, emits on_death_emit_particle_type on death
on_death_emit_particle_count int 1 how many particles should we emit
die_on_liquid_collision bool false if true, dies on collision with liquids
die_on_low_velocity bool false if true, dies when speed goes below die_on_low_velocity_limit
die_on_low_velocity_limit float 50 please see die_on_low_velocity
on_death_emit_particle_type std::string
on_death_particle_check_concrete bool false if you want it to stick as concrete, you should enable this
ground_collision_fx bool true if 1, spurt some particles when colliding with mortals
explosion_dont_damage_shooter bool false if true, explosion doesn't damage the entity who shot this
on_death_item_pickable_radius float 0 if > 0, makes items closer than this radius pickable on death
penetrate_world bool false if true, the projectile doesn't collide with ground, liquids, physical objects etc
penetrate_world_velocity_coeff float 0.6 if 'penetrate_world' is true, the projectile moves with a velocity multiplied by this value when inside world
penetrate_entities bool false if true, the projectile doesn't stop when it collides with entities. damages each entity only once
on_collision_die bool true if true, this is killed as soon as it hits the ground
on_collision_remove_projectile bool false if true, ProjectileComponent is removed from the entitiy
on_collision_spawn_entity bool true if true, spawns the spawn_entity
spawn_entity std::string this is spawned if hit something an on_collision_spawn_entity = 1
spawn_entity_is_projectile bool false if true, will use ShootProjectile instead of LoadEntity()
physics_impulse_coeff float 300 projectile applies an impulse to physics bodies it hits. Impulse = physics_impulse_coeff * velocity
damage_every_x_frames int -1 if set != -1, will only do damage every x frames, used for fields and such, which would otherwise do damage every frame
damage_scaled_by_speed bool false if 1, damage is multiplied by (projectile speed / original projectile speed) ratio
damage_scale_max_speed float 0 if > 0 and damage_scaled_by_speed = 1, will use this instead of mInitialSpeed when calculating the damage
collide_with_entities bool true if 1, looks for entities with tag, collide_with_tag and collides with them, giving them damage
collide_with_tag std::string hittable default: hittable, if you needed can be changed to something more specific
dont_collide_with_tag std::string if set will ignore entities with this tag
collide_with_shooter_frames int -1 remember friendly_fire 1, if -1 won't collide with shooter at all, otherwise uses the value as frame count and while it's running won't damage the shooter
friendly_fire bool false if true, will damage same herd id
damage float 1 how much Projectile damage does this do when it hits something
knockback_force float 0 How far do entities get thrown if a knockback occurs. final_knockback = ProjectileComponent.knockback_force * VelocityComponent.mVelocity * VelocityComponent.mass / who_we_hit.mass
ragdoll_force_multiplier float 0.025 velocity * ragdoll_force_multiplier is applied to any ragdolls that are created by entities killed by this
hit_particle_force_multiplier float 0.1 hit particle velocity = projectile_velocity * hit_particle_force_multiplier * some randomness
blood_count_multiplier float 1 how much blood does this projectile cause
damage_game_effect_entities std::string a list of game_effects entities separated with ','. e.g. 'data/entities/misc/effect_electrocution.xml,data/entities/misc/effect_on_fire.xml'
never_hit_player bool false If 1, does not hit player no matter what herds this and player belong to
collect_materials_to_shooter bool false if 1, looks up the 'who_shot' entity and its MaterialInventoryComponent on destruction and updates it based on the cells destroyed on our explosion.
play_damage_sounds bool true
mLastFrameDamaged int -1024
config ConfigGunActionInfo
config_explosion ConfigExplosion if we have explosion, it's the setup for it
damage_by_type ConfigDamagesByType the amounts of different types of damage this does
damage_critical ConfigDamageCritical config for critical hit
Custom data types
shell_casing_offset vec2 (0, 0) where the shell casing will be created relative to projectile, y is flipped if projectile direction is to the left.
ragdoll_fx_on_collision RAGDOLL_FX::Enum NORMAL if not NORMAL, do a special ragdoll
mWhoShot EntityID entity (creature) that shot this
mWhoShotEntityTypeID EntityTypeID used for stats
mShooterHerdId int 0 the herdid of mWhoShot, unless friendly fire
mStartingLifetime int 0
mEntityThatShot EntityID for triggers, if shot from a trigger this should point to the projectile entity that shot this. Otherwise this should be the same as mWhoShot. NOTE! Not really tested properly so might break.
mTriggers ProjectileTriggers
mDamagedEntities VEC_ENTITY
mInitialSpeed float -1