Documentation: PotionComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
spray_velocity_coeff float 1 [0, 2]
spray_velocity_normalized_min float 0.5
body_colored bool false
throw_bunch bool false
throw_how_many int 5
dont_spray_static_materials bool false NOTE( Petri ): 15.8.2023 - if this is set to true, will only spray dynamic materials, that dont cause bugs (i.e. will not spray hard rock, box2d materials)
dont_spray_just_leak_gas_materials bool false NOTE( Petri ): 15.8.2023 - if this is set to true, will only leak gas materials instead of 'spraying' them.
never_color bool false Petri: body_colored didn't seem to work, so I added never_color. It can be set to true if you never want the potion to be colored
Custom data types
custom_color_material int 0 if set, will always use the color from this material