Documentation: PhysicsBodyComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
is_external bool false if mBody is set from outside, will ignore all the things
hax_fix_going_through_ground bool false if set will lift the body upwards if it is inside ground
hax_fix_going_through_sand bool false hax_fix_going_through_ground has to be set, if set will lift the body upwards if it is inside sand
hax_wait_till_pixel_scenes_loaded bool false
uid int 0 [0, 1000] if the entity has multiple physics bodies and has specific shapes for those and possible joints, you should use this. 0 is default for shapes
is_enabled bool true Use this to kill the physics body of. if is_enabled is set to false, will destroy the physics body
linear_damping float 0
angular_damping float 0
allow_sleep bool true
fixed_rotation bool false
buoyancy float 0.7
gravity_scale_if_has_no_image_shapes float 1
is_bullet bool false
is_static bool false
is_kinematic bool false
is_character bool false if it is a character, then we need to few interesting things from time to time
go_through_sand bool false if set, will go through sand PhysicsBridge::mGoThroughSand = 1
gridworld_box2d bool true default is 1. You should only change this if you know the body isn't going to touch gridworld
auto_clean bool true if set, the simulation might destroy this body if it's hidden under sand. Problematic if you have a small piece with joint attached to something like the wheels of minecart. Set to 0 in cases like that
on_death_leave_physics_body bool false if set, will leave the b2body into the world, even if the entity is killed
on_death_really_leave_body bool false camera bound... god damn... we need something special when we want to leave the body
update_entity_transform bool true WARNING! Don't touch this unless you know what you're doing. If false, doesn't update the entitys transform to match the physics body. This is used with multi body entities, to use the correct body to update the entity, e.g. minecart
force_add_update_areas bool false if 1, we will mark our predicted aabb as a box2d update area.
kills_entity bool true if set, will kill the entity when physics body is destroyed
projectiles_rotate_toward_velocity bool false for physics projectiles, if true will initially rotate the body based on the velocity
randomize_init_velocity bool false randomizes the init velocity
mActiveState bool false private variable, please don't mess around with this
Custom data types
initial_velocity vec2 (0, 0) if you want a velocity at the start, set it here
mBody b2Body*
mBodyId b2ObjectID this is mBody->GetBodyId() - not to be confused with uid shit, has to be tracked separately, since the mBody pointer is not unique
mPixelCount int 0 if set, tracks the number of csolidcells the body has
mLocalPosition b2Vec2
mRefreshed bool false this is sure the bodies are only parsed once