Documentation: PhysicsBody2Component

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
mBodyId b2ObjectID this is mBody->GetBodyId() - not to be confused with uid, has to be tracked separately, since the mBody pointer is not unique
linear_damping float 0
angular_damping float 0
allow_sleep bool true
fixed_rotation bool false
is_bullet bool false
is_static bool false
buoyancy float 0.7
hax_fix_going_through_ground bool false if 1, will lift the body upwards if it is inside ground
hax_fix_going_through_sand bool false hax_fix_going_through_ground has to be set, if set will lift the body upwards if it is inside sand
hax_wait_till_pixel_scenes_loaded bool false
go_through_sand bool false if 1, will go through sand PhysicsBridge::mGoThroughSand = 1
auto_clean bool true if 1, the simulation might destroy this body if it's hidden under sand. Problematic if you have a small piece with joint attached to something like the wheels of minecart. Set to 0 in cases like that
force_add_update_areas bool true if 1, we will mark our predicted aabb as a box2d update area.
update_entity_transform bool true
kill_entity_if_body_destroyed bool true if 1, will kill the entity when physics body is destroyed
kill_entity_after_initialized bool false if 1, will destroy the entity after initialization has been done based the entity's PhysicsBodyComponents and JointComponents
manual_init bool false if 1, initialization occurs only when done via for example lua component and Physic2InitFromComponents()
destroy_body_if_entity_destroyed bool false if 1, root body is destroyed if the entity is destroyed
root_offset_x float 0 TODO
root_offset_y float 0 TODO
init_offset_x float 0 TODO
init_offset_y float 0 TODO
mActiveState bool false private variable, please don't mess around with this
mPixelCountOrig uint32 0 the number of pixels the body had when it was originally created
Custom data types
mLocalPosition vec2 (0, 0) private variable, please don't mess around with this
mBody b2Body*
mInitialized bool false private variable, please don't mess around with this
mPixelCount uint32 0 if set, tracks the number of csolidcells the body has
mRefreshed bool false this is sure the bodies are only parsed once