Documentation: LifetimeComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
lifetime int -1 if anything else than -1 will kill this entity when this many frames have passed
fade_sprites bool false if 1, sprites will be faded as lifetime gets lower
kill_parent bool false if 1, will kill the parent entity
kill_all_parents bool false if 1, will kill all the parents entity
serialize_duration bool false if 1, will retain kill_frame and creation_frame over serialization
kill_frame_serialized int 0 frame that this is killed at
creation_frame_serialized int 0 frame that this is killed at
Custom data types
randomize_lifetime ValueRange [0, 0] this is added to the lifetime
creation_frame int 0 we'll set this to GG.GetFrameNum() when this component is created
kill_frame int 0 frame that this is killed at