Documentation: ItemComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
item_name std::string the name of the item
is_stackable bool false does this item stack on other items the same 'item_name' in the inventory?
is_consumable bool false if 1, using this item will reduce 'uses_remaining'. When it reaches zero the item is destroyed
stats_count_as_item_pick_up bool true does this count as an item that was picked up in the stats
auto_pickup bool false if 1, item will be automatically picked up, no pickup hint is shown
permanently_attached bool false if 1, this item can't be removed from a container once it is put inside one
uses_remaining int -1 how many times can this item be used? -1 = unlimited, will be reset to gun_actions.lua max_uses by inventorygui_system, -2 = unlimited unlimited
is_identified bool true is it known what this item does?
is_frozen bool false if 1, this item can't be modified or moved from a wand
collect_nondefault_actions bool false does player keep this item when respawning?
remove_on_death bool false is this entity destroyed when it's in an inventory and the inventory owner dies?
remove_on_death_if_empty bool false is this entity destroyed when it's in an inventory, empty and the inventory owner dies?
remove_default_child_actions_on_death bool false if true, the default AbilityComponent.child_actions in this items will be removed when it dies
play_hover_animation bool false if 1, the item will play a hovering animation
play_spinning_animation bool true if 1, the item will play a spinning animation, if player_hover_animation is 0
is_equipable_forced bool false if 1, the default logic for determining if an item can be equiped in inventory is overridden and this can be always equipped
play_pick_sound bool true if 1, plays a default sound when picked
drinkable bool true if 0 you cannot drink this, default is 1, because that's how it was implemented and backwards compatibility
max_child_items int 0 number of items this can hold inside itself. TODO: get rid of all uses of 'ability->gun_config.deck_capacity' and replace them with this!
ui_sprite std::string sprite displayed for the item in various UIs. If not empty overrides sprites declared by Ability and ItemAction
ui_description std::string item description displayed in various UIs
enable_orb_hacks bool false
is_all_spells_book bool false
always_use_item_name_in_ui bool false
custom_pickup_string std::string if set, this is used for the 'Press $0 to pick $1' message
ui_display_description_on_pick_up_hint bool false
next_frame_pickable int 0
npc_next_frame_pickable int 0 NPC have their own next_frame_pickable, because this is used to make NPCs not pick up gold, which also meant player couldn't pick up that gold
is_pickable bool true can this be picked up and placed on someone's inventory
is_hittable_always bool false to override the weirdness that is is_pickable, which affects if this is hittable or not. If true, will always be hittable regardless of is_pickable
item_pickup_radius float 14.1 how many pixels away can this item be picked up from
camera_max_distance float 50 how far can we move the camera from the player when this item is equipped
camera_smooth_speed_multiplier float 1 how quickly does the camera follow player?
has_been_picked_by_player bool false
mFramePickedUp int 0
Custom data types
spawn_pos vec2 (0, 0) the position where this item spawned
preferred_inventory INVENTORY_KIND::Enum QUICK Which inventory do we go to when we're picked up, if it's not full.
inventory_slot ivec2 (0, 0) our preferred slot (x,y) in the inventory
mItemUid int 0
mIsIdentified bool true