Documentation: GhostComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
speed float 5 pixels per second
new_hunt_target_check_every int 0 how often do we look for targets
hunt_box_radius float 512
aggressiveness float 100 if higher than relations then will attack
max_distance_from_home float 300 how far from home can we go?
die_if_no_home bool true if set to false will die, if it can't find home
target_tag std::string player_unit if something else (like mortal), will attack the home
Custom data types
velocity vec2 (0, 0)
mEntityHome EntityID where is our home?
mFramesWithoutHome int 0
mTargetPosition vec2 (0, 0)
mTargetEntityId int 0
mRandomTarget vec2 (0, 0)
mNextTargetCheckFrame int 0


The game crashes if an entity has this component but not a GenomeDataComponent.