Documentation: GameEffectComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
custom_effect_id std::string if 'effect' is set to 'CUSTOM', this will define effect uniqueness.
frames int -1 how many frames does it affect -1 = forever
exclusivity_group int 0 if > 0, previous game effects with the same exclusivity group as new one will be removed when calling LoadGameEffectEntityTo
report_block_msg bool true to disable the block message that rises
disable_movement bool false if set, will disable movement
ragdoll_effect_custom_entity_file std::string an entity that is loaded to each ragdoll part if 'ragdoll_effect' is set to 'CUSTOM_RAGDOLL_ENTITY'
ragdoll_fx_custom_entity_apply_only_to_largest_body bool false if 1, 'ragdoll_effect_custom_entity_file' is loaded only to the largest piece in the ragdoll
polymorph_target std::string when doing a polymorph, this is what we convert it to
mSerializedData USTRING polymorph stores the serialized entity here...
mCaster EntityID Contains a handle to the caster of this GameEffect
mCasterHerdId int 0 Contains the herd if of the caster of this GameEffect
teleportation_probability int 600 How likely is it that we teleport, larger = less often
teleportation_delay_min_frames int 30 Never teleports more often that this
teleportation_radius_min float 128
teleportation_radius_max float 1024
teleportations_num int 0 How many times has this GameEffectComponent teleported the owner?
no_heal_max_hp_cap double 3.40282e+038 If current hp is less than this, we store it here. Then we make sure the hp never exceeds this.
caused_by_ingestion_status_effect bool false Did this effect occur because someone ate something?
caused_by_stains bool false was this caused by stains
mCharmDisabledCameraBound bool false When charmed, will try to disable CameraBound. This keeps track if we've done it, so we can enable it back
mCharmEnabledTeleporting bool false When charmed, will try to enable teleporting (tag:teleportable_NOT). This keeps track if we've done it, so we can disable it again
mInvisible bool false Are we invisible?
mCounter int 0 Counts stuff
mCooldown int 0 Counts cooldown
mIsExtension bool false If 1, this is an effect extension and shouldn't create an extension when removed
Custom data types
ragdoll_effect RAGDOLL_FX::Enum NONE if set, will use this for ragdoll effect
ragdoll_material int 0 converts to string name of the material that ragdoll is made out of
causing_status_effect StatusEffectType Status effect that caused this game effect, if any