Documentation: ConfigExplosion

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
never_cache bool true if set, won't ever cache and the explosion happens that frame. Used for projectiles
explosion_radius float 20 Explosion radius, used to find the peasants and physics bodies that are thrown into the air
explosion_sprite std::string data/particles/explosion_032.xml sprite animation of the explosion that we play
explosion_sprite_emissive bool false if 1, sprite is emissive
explosion_sprite_additive bool false if 1, sprite is additive
explosion_sprite_random_rotation bool true if true, rotates the sprite to random 90 degrees
explosion_sprite_lifetime float 0 [0, 3.5] if 0, finds the lifetime based on the rect animation currently playing. If not 0 it is seconds how long does the explosion sprite stay in the world
damage float 5 [0, 10] how much damage does this do to living entities
camera_shake float 7.5 [0, 100] camera shake - how much we shake the camera
particle_effect bool true Should we use the ParticleEffect::DoExplosion()
load_this_entity std::string if set, this entity is loaded when the explosion is queued
light_enabled bool true Should the explosion emit light to its surroundings?
light_fade_time float 0.08 The time it takes for the light flash to fade out
light_r unsigned int 255 [0, 255] Color red 0-255
light_g unsigned int 217 [0, 255] Color green 0-255
light_b unsigned int 180 [0, 255] Color blue 0-255
light_radius_coeff float 8 The radius of the light will be explosion_radius * light_radius_coeff
hole_enabled bool true Do we remove ground, creata a crater
destroy_non_platform_solid_enabled bool true Do we remove solid cells that aren't platforms?
electricity_count int 0 How many electricity entitities should we create?
min_radius_for_cracks int 10 Cracks are created if explosion_radius is larger than this
crack_count int 10 How many crack entitities should we create?
knockback_force float 1 How far do entities get thrown if a knockback occurs? final_knocback = explosion_radius * knockback_force * target.inv_normalized_distance_from_explosion / target.mass
hole_destroy_liquid bool false Do we destroy the liquid cells we ran into, or do we just throw them into to the air?
hole_destroy_physics_dynamic bool true Do we destroy the dynamic physics cells we encountered?
create_cell_material std::string fire The material destroyed cells might turn into.
create_cell_probability int 5 The probability a destroyed cell is turned into 'create_cell_material'
background_lightning_count int 0 Parallax background lightning count is set to this on explosion
spark_material std::string spark spark material, TODO moved these to use a special Serializer
material_sparks_min_hp int 10000 [0, 100] How many sparks are we creating (rand max)
material_sparks_probability int 5 [0, 100] How many sparks are we creating (rand max)
material_sparks_count_min int 7 [0, 100] How many sparks are we creating (rand min)
material_sparks_count_max int 20 [0, 100] How many sparks are we creating (rand max)
material_sparks_enabled bool false Should we create few fire particles around the explosion
material_sparks_real bool false if the spark particles created are real or fake
material_sparks_scale_with_hp bool false if true, will create more sparks the harder the material
sparks_enabled bool true Should we create few fire particles around the explosion
sparks_count_min int 7 [0, 100] How many sparks are we creating (rand min)
sparks_count_max int 20 [0, 100] How many sparks are we creating (rand max)
sparks_inner_radius_coeff float 0.333 If 'sparks_enabled', Sparks are created in the area between circles defined by 'explosion_radius'*'sparks_inner_radius_coeff' and 'explosion_radius'
stains_enabled bool true Should we stain the ground and other particles
stains_radius float 0 The distance from the edge of the hole to the edge of the stained area, 0.0f for default which is 0.3 * explosion_radius
ray_energy int 20000 This is the energy we have per ray. Could be called 'penetration power' or something like that. If cells have a hp of 20 rays with 100 energy can penetrate 5 cells
max_durability_to_destroy int 10 When destroying cells only cells with a durability <= max_durability_to_destroy will be affected
gore_particle_count int 1 How many particles to create in case we do gore stuff?
shake_vegetation bool true Should we shake vegetation around the explosion (uses the area of stain_image to find vegetation)
damage_mortals bool true Look for peasants and throw them into the air? Remember to enabled physics_throw as well if you want them to actually fly
physics_throw_enabled bool true Should we throw physics objects into the air, also peasants
physics_multiplier_ragdoll_force float 1 [0, 100] treat the ragdolls a bit differently from other physics objects, to get them to fly nicely
cell_explosion_power float 1 [0, 100] used when a solid cell explodes as the multiplier to how big the radius is going to be
cell_explosion_radius_min float 5 [0, 10] when cell explodes, this is the minimum radius that explosion is made of
cell_explosion_radius_max float 150 [0, 10] when cell explodes, this is the minimum radius that explosion is made of
cell_explosion_velocity_min float 0 [0, 10] cell explodes only when body velocity is greater than this
cell_explosion_damage_required float 100 [0, 1024] how much fire damage is required before this explodes
cell_explosion_probability float 0 this is used when there's a tiny contact that doesn't cause an explosion, in those cases this is used as a random to check if we should explode or not
cell_explosion_power_ragdoll_coeff float 0.75 [0, 2] ragdoll cells destruction power is multiplied with this
pixel_sprites_enabled bool true if enabled will carve out the pixel sprites
is_digger bool false if 1, we apply some special digger logic to this explosion
audio_enabled bool true Do we play an explosion sound?
audio_event_name std::string Name of audio event in 'explosion' audio bank. If not set, will default to 'explosion' or 'explosion_small' based on explosion radius.
audio_liquid_amount_normalized float 0 value of the 'liquid_amount' parameter passed to the explosion's audio event
explosion_delay_id int -1 [-1, 1024] for delayed barrel explosions... this has to be set and has to be the same for the explosions for there to be a delay
not_scaled_by_gamefx bool false If 1, DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER etc don't affect this explosion
damage_critical ConfigDamageCritical critical damage config. NOTE: must be already calculated ('chance' does nothing).
Custom data types
physics_explosion_power ValueRange [0, 0.2] how hard do we throw physics objects
delay ValueRangeInt [0, 0] if > 0, the explosion occurs with a delay chosen randomly from this range and is never buffered
who_is_responsible EntityID the entity that caused the explosion
null_damage bool false if set, will not call DamageModelSystem::TakeDamage()
dont_damage_this EntityID if set, this entity doesn't receive damage from the explosion
impl_send_message_to_this EntityID
impl_position types::vector2 (0, 0)
impl_delay_frame int32 0