Documentation: CharacterPlatformingComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
jump_velocity_x float 0 [0, 500]
jump_velocity_y float -175 [-500, 0]
jump_keydown_buffer int 2 [0, 10]
fly_speed_mult float 0 [-100, 100] AI stuff
fly_speed_change_spd float 5 [0, 1000] player
fly_model_player bool false if true, uses player fly model
fly_smooth_y bool true if true, smooths out the AI fly model
accel_x float 1 [0, 1000]
accel_x_air float 0.1 [0, 1000]
pixel_gravity float 600 [0, 1000]
swim_idle_buoyancy_coeff float 1.2 [0, 2]
swim_down_buoyancy_coeff float 0.7 [0, 2]
swim_up_buoyancy_coeff float 0.9 [0, 2]
swim_drag float 0.95 [0, 2] when in water velocity *= swim_drag
swim_extra_horizontal_drag float 0.9 [0, 2] when in water velocity.x *= swim_extra_horizontal_drag
mouse_look bool true
mouse_look_buffer float 1 [0, 5]
keyboard_look bool false if true, turns based on if left or right has been pressed down
turning_buffer float 0.1 [0, 2]
animation_to_play std::string
animation_to_play_next std::string
run_animation_velocity_switching_threshold float 45 [0, 1000]
run_animation_velocity_switching_enabled bool false
turn_animation_frames_between int 20 [0, 100]
precision_jumping_max_duration_frames int -1 maximum duration of precision jump or knockback. -1 = infinite
audio_liquid_splash_intensity float 1
Custom data types
velocity_min_x LensValue<float> -50
velocity_max_x LensValue<float> 50
velocity_min_y LensValue<float> -200
velocity_max_y LensValue<float> 200
run_velocity LensValue<float> 40
fly_velocity_x LensValue<float> 30
fly_speed_max_up LensValue<float> 0
fly_speed_max_down LensValue<float> 0
mExAnimationPos vec2 (0, 0)
mFramesInAirCounter int -1
mIsPrecisionJumping bool false
mPrecisionJumpingTime int 0
mPrecisionJumpingSpeedX float 0
mPrecisionJumpingTimeLeft int 0
mFlyThrottle float 0
mSmoothedFlyingTargetY float 0
mJetpackEmitting int -1 -1 = undefined, 0 = not emitting, 1 = emitting
mNextTurnAnimationFrame int 0
mFramesNotSwimming int 10 0 = currently swimming
mFramesSwimming int 0 0 = not currently swimming
mShouldCrouch bool false
mShouldCrouchPrev bool false
mLastPostureSwitchFrame int -1
mLookOverrideLastFrame int 0
mLookOverrideDirection int 0


This component implements the turning functionality for entities based on the values in their ControlsComponent. If you want to disable this behaviour and replace it with your own, you can do that by specifying these values: mouse_look="0", keyboard_look="0", and turning_buffer="5000".

Turning works by flipping the x-scale of the entity between a positive value and a negative value, usually +1 and -1.