Documentation: CharacterDataComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
platforming_type int 0 [0, 3] 0 = oldest, 1 = newer, 2 = safest
mass float 1 [0, 10] 1.0 = approx. mass of player
buoyancy_check_offset_y int -6 [-1000, 1000]
liquid_velocity_coeff float 9 [0, 20] how much do liquids move this character. e.g. when standing in a flowing river
gravity float 100 [0, 250]
fly_recharge_spd float 0 [0, 250]
fly_recharge_spd_ground float 0 [0, 250]
flying_needs_recharge bool false const variable... player has this as true
flying_in_air_wait_frames int 44 [0, 200] to fix the tap tap tap flying cheese, we wait this many frames before recharging in air
flying_recharge_removal_frames int 8 [0, 20] another fix to the tap tap - this is how many frames from pressing down up we'll remove fly charge
climb_over_y int 3 [0, 10]
check_collision_max_size_x int 5 [0, 50]
check_collision_max_size_y int 5 [0, 50]
is_on_ground bool false
is_on_slippery_ground bool false
ground_stickyness float 0
effect_hit_ground bool false
eff_hg_damage_min int 0 if we want to damage ground when hitting it... this is the place
eff_hg_damage_max int 0 if we want to damage ground when hitting it... this is the place
eff_hg_position_x float 0 [-15, 15]
eff_hg_position_y float 0 [-15, 15]
eff_hg_size_x float 0 [-15, 15]
eff_hg_size_y float 0 [-15, 15]
eff_hg_velocity_min_x float 0 [-65, 65]
eff_hg_velocity_max_x float 0 [-65, 65]
eff_hg_velocity_min_y float 0 [-65, 65]
eff_hg_velocity_max_y float 0 [-65, 65]
eff_hg_offset_y float 0 [-15, 15]
eff_hg_update_box2d bool false if true, will move physics bodies that it hits
eff_hg_b2force_multiplier float 0.0035 multiplies the velocity with this...
destroy_ground float 0 how much damage do we do the ground when land on it
send_transform_update_message bool false if 1, will send Message_TransformUpdated to updated entities and their children when the component is processed by PlayerCollisionSystem or CharacterCollisionSystem
dont_update_velocity_and_xform bool false might be useful if you want to use CharacterCollisionSystem to only update on_ground status
mFlyingTimeLeft float 1000 How much flying energy do we have left? - NOTE( Petri ): 1.3.2023 - This used to be a private variable. It was changed to fix the save/load infinite flying bug.
Custom data types
collision_aabb_min_x LensValue<float> 0
collision_aabb_max_x LensValue<float> 0
collision_aabb_min_y LensValue<float> 0
collision_aabb_max_y LensValue<float> 0
fly_time_max LensValue<float> 0 how much flying energy +
mFramesOnGround int 0
mLastFrameOnGround int 0
mVelocity vec2 (0, 0)
mCollidedHorizontally bool false moved this here from CharacterCollisionComponent - since that is multithreaded and we needed a non multithreaded version