Documentation: CameraBoundComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
enabled bool true If enabled, kills this component if it's outside the camera distance
distance float 250 [0, 1024] Distance in pixels from the center of camera, if outside this distance the entity is destroyed
distance_border float 20 [0, 1024] Offset towards camera in pixels from 'distance' where the entity is respawned if it was frozen
max_count int 10 [0, 1024] If more than 'max_count' entities of this type exist the one furthest from camera is destroyed
freeze_on_distance_kill bool true If true and the entity went too far - this entity will be stored so we can later respawn it where it was destroyed because it got too far from the camera?
freeze_on_max_count_kill bool true If true and the entity was one too many of its kind - this entity will be stored so we can later respawn it where it was destroyed because it got too far from the camera?