Documentation: BossDragonComponent

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Name Type Initial Value Example Range Description
speed float 1 [0, 10000]
speed_hunt float 3 [0, 10000]
acceleration float 3 [0, 10000]
direction_adjust_speed float 1 [0, 10000]
direction_adjust_speed_hunt float 1 [0, 10000]
gravity float 3 [0, 10000]
tail_gravity float 30 [0, 10000]
part_distance float 10 [0, 10000]
ground_check_offset int 0 [0, 10000]
eat_ground_radius float 1 [0, 1e+006]
eat_ground bool true does the worm destroy the ground it moves through or not?
hitbox_radius float 1 [0, 1e+006]
bite_damage float 2 [0, 10] how much damage does this do when it hits an entity
target_kill_radius float 1 [0, 1e+006]
target_kill_ragdoll_force float 1 [0, 1e+006]
hunt_box_radius float 512 [0, 10000]
random_target_box_radius float 512 [0, 10000]
new_hunt_target_check_every int 30 [0, 10000]
new_random_target_check_every int 120 [0, 10000]
jump_cam_shake float 20 [0, 10000]
jump_cam_shake_distance float 256 [0, 10000]
eat_anim_wait_mult float 0.05 [0, 10000]
projectile_1 std::string data/entities/projectiles/bossdragon.xml
projectile_1_count int 2 [0, 10]
projectile_2 std::string data/entities/projectiles/bossdragon_ray.xml
projectile_2_count int 5 [0, 10]
ragdoll_filename std::string
mTargetEntityId int 0
mTargetVec vec2 (0, 0)
mGravVelocity float 0
mSpeed float 0
mRandomTarget vec2 (0, 0)
mLastLivingTargetPos vec2 (0, 0)
mNextTargetCheckFrame int 0
mNextHuntTargetCheckFrame int 0
mOnGroundPrev bool false
mMaterialIdPrev int 0
mPhase int 0
mNextPhaseSwitchTime int 0
mPartDistance float 2
mIsInitialized bool false