Hiisi Anvil

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The Anvil.

The Hiisi Anvil (or Anvil) is a special structure found in the bottom right corner of the Hiisi Base. It can be used to repair or "reforge" several items found throughout the game. When a valid item is thrown on the anvil, a purple circle briefly appears, followed by a small explosion on the item when it is transformed.


When a Broken Wand is placed on the anvil, it will transform into a wand with decent stats.[1] Note that broken wands shoot damaging projectiles when thrown, so it's a good idea to stay away until the conversion is complete.

When a Broken Spell is placed on the anvil, it will transform into the Summon Portal spell.

When the Hauen Leukaluu is placed on the anvil, it is transformed into the Summon Fish spell, which is then unlocked for future runs.

Placing the Hauen Leukaluu on the anvil when the Kantele is nearby (either in the player's inventory or on the ground) results in the two being combined into a new wand, the Kantele Hauen Leukaluusta.

Many of the Emerald Tablets can be converted to Stone Tablets by placing them on the anvil. Below is the list of tablets which can be reforged (see the Emerald Tablet page for further details):

Tablet Reforgeable
Emerald Tablet of Thoth No
Secretorum Hermetis No
Tabula Smaragdina No
Emerald Tablet - Volume I No
Emerald Tablet - Volume II Yes
Emerald Tablet - Volume III No
Emerald Tablet - Volume IV Yes
Emerald Tablet - Volume V Yes
Emerald Tablet - Volume VI Yes
Emerald Tablet - Volume VII Yes
Emerald Tablet - Volume VIII Yes
Emerald Tablet - Volume IX Yes
Emerald Tablet - Volume X Yes


  • The anvil does not spawn in Parallel Worlds, New Game Plus.
  • There is no limit to the number of times the anvil can be used for any of the conversions.


Repairing a broken wand.
Fixing the broken spell
Reforging an emerald tablet


  1. The wand provided will be a tier 5 "better" wand, which may be a shuffle or no-shuffle wand.


  • Apr 8 2024: New reaction with Hauen Leukaluu which was added to the game.